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Secret To Fight Brain Aging.


Dear Reader,
Researchers at the University of Georgia announced a stunning discovery
They wanted to figure out why some people have a perfect memory through every decade
of adulthood…
While others find themselves searching for their keys…forgetting important items while grocery shopping…and all those things that are so typical of “senior moments.”
Turns out, the group with a superior memory isn’t just lucky.
They have a natural advantage hiding deep within their brain.
And now, one expert on brain aging is revealing a simple way you can get this too, for a perfect memory at any age…
To a stronger memory,
Katherine Wheeler
Smart Science Nutritionals
P.S. Every exceptionally sharp person you meet in their 80s, 90s, 100s, orbeyond is believed to have LOTS of this…see what it is and how you can get it too.
Blockbuster study reveals hidden secret to fight brain aging.
Blockbuster study reveals hidden secret to fight brain aging
Groundbreaking study of 100-year-old
“super-agers” reveals how you can get 
a perfect memory at every age
What would it take to keep your memory perfectas you age?
To think quickly, clearly—and feel mentally ready for anything?
Scientists said it was nearly impossible…
Except for a “lucky few” with “good genes.”
But now, a groundbreaking study revealed astunning memory secret that had evaded researchers for decades
A secret you can use to keep your mind young and sharp—for the rest of your life.
Researchers uncovered this memory secret when studying an exceptional group of people who’ve already proven to have a superior memory.
At 100 years old, and even older…
Their memory is completely untouched by age
They’re called “super-agers,” and they’re just as sharp and witty in their 80s, 90s, and 100s as they were three or four decades earlier.
But as researchers discovered, it isn’t just “luck.”
Turns out, the sharpest, most conversational, and even the most intelligent of these super-agers had one monumental thing in common:
They have a natural advantage to combat aging in the brain.
Now thanks to this groundbreaking study, you’ll have a chance to get this advantage too, and experience…

A stronger memory for life with the super-ager’s secret

My name is Katherine Wheeler, and today I’m going to show you why it’s all so much easierthan you’d expect.
In the next few minutes, one of medicine’s most brilliant minds will reveal everything you need to know, right here in this special presentation.
His name is Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D., and I’ve had the privilege of working with him for the past six years.
A former Senior Investigator at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and leading expert on healthy aging, Dr. Micozzi has been following the research on brain aging for his entire 40-year career.
So when he heard about this latest “super ager” discovery—he wasn’t surprised.
In fact, he’s been talking about this for years.
Turns out, he’s uncovered three “super ager” memory secrets that anyone can use, plus an easy way to put them all together into one…
Foolproof formula for a perfect memory
So let’s start by taking a look at the discovery that first caught the attention of researchers.
A team at the University of Georgia found that super-agers have an uncanny ability to…
1. Fight brain inflammation naturally
You probably think of inflammation as something that happens in your joints when you “overdo it”…
But did you know it happens in your brain, too, as a normal part of aging?
The culprit is the same: free radicals.
They zing through your brain, leaving a trail of micro-inflammation behind them. Scientists have long known antioxidants are a great way to combat these zingers and keep inflammation in the healthy range.
But there’s one specific antioxidant super-agers have more of than everyone else.
In fact, Dr. Micozzi himself was on the team of leading researchers who first discovered what this antioxidant and others like it can do in the body, in the mid-1980s. He calls it “one of the most important discoveries I’ve made in all my years of research.”
Since then, it’s been part of more than 100 brain health studies.
It’s an antioxidant known as LT—and, thanks to what we discovered from the super-agers, we now know:
LT is essential to a perfect memory!
Researchers found that every single super-agerwho had high concentrations of LT in their brainalso excelled in:
  • Memory retention—that is, being able to recall and hold on to memories. (Exactly what you need to reminisce about trips in the old family car.)
  • Learning new things—from hobbies, to trivia, to other languages—even at 100 years old
  • Better brain performance overall—so you can stay focused, organized, and keep up in conversation
LT was even linked to higher IQ!
A new large-scale study of more than 4,000 adults over age 50 confirmed: Higher levels of LT in the blood means better scores on cognitive and memory tests.
So I asked Dr. Micozzi—what makes LT such a powerful brain booster? His answer:
Without LT, your brain could be
starving for antioxidants
LT is one of a select few antioxidants that can travel through the body directly to the brain…where it is stored up and can be used to help fight those free radical “zingers” that can lead to micro-inflammation.
You see, the brain is very selective about what it lets in—it has to be. The “front gate” to your brain’s palace is permanently closed to keep out chemicals, toxins, and other rogue molecules that just don’t belong there.
Unfortunately, this means that a lot of other nutrients that might do great things for the rest of your body…can do absolutely NOTHING for your brain. Because they simply can’t get in!
But LT has a master key. It can march right through the front gate and go directly where your brain needs it. And study after study shows:
The more LT you have in your brain,
the stronger your memory will be
With LT—also known as lutein—you can feel confident your brain is reliable, accurate and quick-as-lightning, whether you’re teaching your grandkids how to play the piano…
Balancing your checkbook and paying the bills this month…
Or retelling a favorite story from that unforgettable first date with your spouse.
So what else can you do to get a high-powered brain like a super-ager’s?
Scientists uncovered another clue just last year. You need to:
2. Reverse brain shrinkage before it affects your memory
This is going to sound grim, but it’s a fact:
The most precious part of your brain—which holds ALL your long-term memories—actuallyshrinks every year.
Even worse…this age-related shrinkage canspeed up if you have too much of a rogue substance in your blood known as homocysteine. (This can get worse as you age, too.)
But brain researchers at Northwestern University discovered super-agers have an advantage:
The average adult’s brain shrinks twice as fastas a super-ager’s.
And that larger brain translates into a stronger memory.
Now here’s the good news from Dr. Micozzi: You can help...
Reverse brain shrinkage with
5 powerful neuro-vitamins
They’re called neuro-vitamins because your brain absolutely cannot do its job without them—but even better than that…
Researchers at the prestigious University of Oxford in the U.K. discovered that even smallamounts of these neuro-vitamins have a profound effect on your memory as you age, by:
  • Reversing the rate of brain shrinkage by up to 90%...
  • Reducing memory-killing homocysteine levels…
    And even
  • Improving “episodic memory”—the type that helps you remember all the “who, what, when, where” details you never want to forget
That could be all it takes to catch up with the super-agers and…
Keep your brain perfectly sharp—naturally!
Each and every neuro-vitamin plays a critical role in your brain’s performance.
One of these is so critical to your nerve cells, they simply can’t “fire” quickly without it. And researchers at Northeastern University in Boston discovered that levels drop SHARPLY as you age. By the time you’re 60 years old, your brain could have up to 10 times less of it than it did when you were a child.

No wonder your brain gets slower and foggieras you get older!
But that’s just the beginning. These neuro-vitamins can also help you:
  • Protect what really matters by building up each cell membrane in your brain’s grey matter—which is the area of your brain that controls memory, speech, hearing, decision making, and more.
  • Increase blood flow throughout your brain—which is essential for clear, precise thinkingand problem solving
  • And, they’ll even give you a mood boost, by helping your body make more of the brain’s “happiness” chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, and GABA.
You can see why these nutrients
are such a powerful part of
your foolproof memory plan
But here’s the catch.
Your body can’t make them all by itself. You can’t store them away for later, either.
So you have to give your brain a fresh supply of them every day, through food or supplements.
Good news—all of the neuro-vitamins I just mentioned are easy to find in food…and they’re even easier to take as a supplement. Plus, they’re cost effective too. I’m talking about vitamins:
  • B1 (thiamine)
  • B6 (pyridoxine)
  • B9 (folic acid)
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin)
But there’s one more neuro-vitamin you probably haven’t heard about—and it’s just as important.
It’s a specialized form of choline known as alpha-GPC.
Dr. Micozzi reveals it’s a powerful “brain fuel” for two reasons:
Your body uses it to make a specialized brain chemical for quick thinking, called acetylcholine…
And it physically strengthens the brain, by building up the protective outer layers of your brain cells.
So when you put alpha-GPC together with the brain-building B vitamins, you have the full range of neuro-vitamins you need for a perfect memory as you age.
Now I have to warn you. The final memory secret you’re about to see may sound a little strange. Many mainstream doctors overlook it—or may not even know about it.
But that’s why it’s so important to make sure you hear about this now, while you still have the opportunity to take control of your health.
Dr. Micozzi was among the very first to spread the word about just how important this is. And again, evidence is growing that THIS is one of the biggest reasons why some seniors can remember every last detail of any event or important conversation…
While others are left searching for the reading glasses that are right on top of their head.
This final secret you can learn from super-agers is to:
3. Clear away years of “mental rust” for a youthful, quicker brain
The fact is, a “youthful” brain is a “clean” brain.
Everyone’s brain has a built-in cleaning crew to keep cellular waste and toxins from building up like rust between your brain cells.
But a super-ager’s brain crew cleans a bit better.
The question is – how?
A study led by a Johns Hopkins researcher showed that super-agers have more of a “cleaning solution” called glutathione. It’s a master antioxidant strong enough to clean out the mental rust and keep brain inflammation within a healthy range.
Dozens of studies have shown glutathione is one of the most important nutrients for keeping your brain sharp—but getting more of it has always been tricky.
But Dr. Micozzi has a powerful—but unconventional—solution.
It’s a neuro-protective plant extract calledberberine.
Berberine is unique because it can ramp up glutathione activity throughout the body, and especially in the brain, but that’s not all.
Berberine also helps the brain stay healthy and sharp even when faced with a long list of environmental and industrial toxins.
Researchers around the world studied them one by one against berberine—in cell studies and in lab animals—and were stunned every time.
But that’s just the beginning.
Over the past five years, a series of groundbreaking reports revealed berberine…
Boosts brain function in
That’s right. Researchers from four countries scoured ALL the research on berberine and the brain—and uncovered 41 unique ways it can help the brain work better.
Take a look at these highlights from lab animal studies. Evidence reveals berberine:
  • Improves coordination and balance—which is so important, because these essential skills can be the first things to go as you get older
  • Magnifies “good mood” brain chemicals—for a calming, mood-boosting effect
  • Rejuvenates the entire central nervous system AND promotes stronger connections between brain cells—for a better mental performance overall
Dr. Micozzi explains that when you put it all together…
It’s like clearing away years of mental rust
So if you’re fed up with having to write downevery single thing you need to remember…
If you’re tired of arriving home from the grocery store, only to discover you forgot the milk…
If you’re sick of searching for your keys, phone, or TV remote…
Then it’s time for you to experience the super-agers’ secrets for yourself.
So let me show you how to put it all together. Remember, you need to:
  • Keep micro-inflammation within a heathy range as you age with LT
  • Reverse brain shrinkage with a neuro-vitamin boost, and
  • Clear out mental rust with berberine
The good news is, Dr. Micozzi has made it easier than ever to get ALL of these super-ager secrets—in the precise amounts he recommends—in one easy daily dose.
He developed an innovative brain health formula called…
Core Brilliance:
Your secret to a perfect
memory at every age
Dr. Micozzi personally designed Core Brilliance to help you maximize your brainpower and your memory—
Even if you don’t have so-called “super ager genes” in your family tree.
Imagine what your day would be like if you could:
Recall names, dates, computer passwords, and phone numbers with ease…instead of having to rely on written lists, date books, and calendars…
Keep up with your book club discussions, easily remembering your favorite passages…
Or even learn to speak a new language, so you can impress the locals on your dream vacation.
It could be so much easier than you imagine.
With Core Brilliance,
you can keep your brain
young and vibrant for life
Of course, people who don’t know about the 3 memory secrets you just saw…will tell you that a fading memory is “just a fact of life.”
They’ll say that your brain is destined to get slow and foggy with age.
Don’t you dare believe them.
You’ve always prided yourself on your razor-sharp sense of humor, and your talent to think on your feet…
So why give it all up now?
With Core Brilliance…
You finally have the power to
take control of your brain health
It’s time to see what life can be like with a perfect memory at every age.
Today you have a chance to experience Dr. Micozzi’s total brain health formula, Core Brilliance—with the right doses of lutein, neuro-vitamins, alpha-GPC, and berberine that he recommends.
With all of the scientific research behind the ingredients in Core Brilliance…you might expect it to come with a hefty price tag.
After all, you’ve seen brain supplements out there that are priced into the triple digits—for just one bottle.
But you don’t have to pay anywhere near that to get the powerful brain support you want.
Today you can get this foolproof memory secret—with natural brain-boosting power in every dose—for less than $100.  
In fact, it won’t even cost you half that.
I’m happy to tell you this breakthrough is surprisingly affordable.
A 30-day supply regularly sells for just $39.95.
But when you accept my invitation today, you won’t even have to pay full price.
Instead, you’ll have a chance to take advantage of an exclusive discount when you order through this special presentation.
You see, one of the most important things you need to know about Core Brilliance is the longer you take it, the better it can work for you.
It takes time to feel the full benefits of the brain-enhancing nutrients in this formula, so it’s important to start out with more than one bottle at your fingertips.
When you add a 90-day (3 bottle) supply to your order, you’ll receive an…
Automatic upgrade to FREE shipping—
Plus a $10 instant discount!
You’ll see that instant discount applied to your cart when you click the button below to place your order now.
But if you want to give yourself the best chance to feel the FULL power of Core Brilliance—and get the maximum savings—
Go ahead and start with a 6-month supply.
That’s the easiest way to…
Automatic upgrade to FREE shipping
PLUS a $20 instant discount!
Just click the button below and place your order now, while we still have enough Core Brilliance in stock.
You don’t have to worry about entering a special promo code or anything like that. You’ll see the savings right in your shopping cart.
Dr. Micozzi and I know Core Brilliance has the power to change the way you feel every day…and ultimately change your life.
We’re so sure you’ll love the brain-strengthening effects, we’re making it even easier to get started.
Today you can try Core Brilliance without worry, thanks to Dr. Micozzi’s 100% Money Back Lifetime Guarantee.
Core Brilliance is guaranteed to work for you…
or you’ll get your money back,
anytime you ask for it
You must be 100% satisfied with Core Brilliance…or you won’t have to pay for it.
If you don’t agree that Core Brilliance is the best formula you’ve ever tried for total brain health and lifelong memory support…all you have to do is return it and you’ll get your money back.
We’ll promptly refund every penny of the purchase price—no questions, no hassles.
This guarantee never expires, because your satisfaction is guaranteed for life.
You can return the unused portion—or even the empty bottle—at any time for a FULL refund of the product price.
So if you’re ready to strengthen your memory…reverse the signs of brain aging…and keep your mind “firing on all cylinders”…
Click the button below to place your order now.
Demand for brain support is now at an all-time high.
So please don’t wait.
I can’t guarantee how many bottles we’ll have left in stock by the time this presentation comes to a close.
I don’t expect our inventory to last long, especially with the discounts and free shipping upgrades you can take advantage of today by ordering 3 or 6 bottles.
So if you’re ready to experience the foolproof memory secrets inside every bottle of Core Brilliance, click the button below and order now.
Just a single daily dose is all it takes to keep you…

Mentally quick, clear, and alert—no matter what your age

It goes to work right away, and the results get better over time.
And whichever savings option you choose, your entire order is covered by Dr. Micozzi’s 100% Money-Back Lifetime Guarantee.
Just click the button below to place your order now without worry or regrets.
For Dr. Micozzi’s Smart Science Nutritionals, I’m Katherine Wheeler.
Thanks for sharing this time with me today. I can’t wait to hear how Core Brilliance has changed your life.
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MichaelTan berkata...

Sunday 22ndApril2018
Secret To Fight Brain Aging.
From:Katherine Wheeler E_Mail:customerservice@logicalhealthalternatives.com

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