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Can Chickens Lay Eggs Without Fertilisation?


Hens and EggsHens will lay eggsregardless of whether or not they are being kept in the company of a rooster. Yourlaying hen's body is naturally intended to produce an egg once every 24 to 27 hours and it will form the egg regardless of whether the egg is actively fertilized during its formation.

26 Jul 2017 · Hens lay eggs on the same schedule as without a rooster present. If the rooster is allowed to mingle with the hens, there is a high likelihood that the eggs will be fertilized. This could result in chicks if the eggs are allowed to incubate (either in the nest under the hen or in an egg incubator).

Hens and Eggs. Hens will lay eggs regardless of whether or not they are being kept in the company of a rooster. Your laying hen's body is naturally intended to produce an egg once every 24 to 27 hours and it will form the egg regardless of whether the egg is actively fertilized during its formation.

Jungle Fowl, obviously, lay far fewer eggs than do domestic chickens, which have spent thousands of years be...

Hens will lay eggs whether or not they' ve ever seen a rooster. Roosters are necessary only for fertilization of eggs.

14 Mar 2015 · A hen does not know if her eggs are fertilised or not. ... When a hen that has broody instincts lays an egg, she is forming a 'clutch' ...

Rating: 4.9 - ‎29 votes
22 Feb 2012 · Hens will lay eggs whether or not they've ever seen a rooster. ... The egg passes through the cloaca without contact with waste matter .

9 Feb 2008 · A rooster is not needed for the hen to lay eggs, a roosters only task in life is to provide a mating ...

23 Mar 2017 · How can you tell if a hen is pregnant? Can hens lay eggs without roosters around? How can I tell  ...

8 May 2016 · Hens do not need a rooster to lay an egg; they do so (almost daily) on their own simply according to ...

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MichaelTan zei

Tuesday 28thNovember2017
Can Chickens Lay Eggs Without Fertilisation?

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