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GuăngFúChǎoYuānYāng: 廣府炒鴛鴦 :YinYongFun:GuangFuFriedMandarinDucks.

§Robin Li, founder of Baidu.com



3.  吉隆坡福建炒面/广府鸳鸯

3.  吉隆坡福建炒面/广府鸳鸯Guāng fú yuānyāng
Kuala Lumpur Fujian fried noodles / Cantonese royal ducks
Jílóngpō fújiàn chǎomiàn/yuècài huángjiā yāzi


其实,以上两样面食足以“独当一面”,何以我把它们同列一项呢?在马来西亚有一种熟食档,叫做“大炒”, 即是炒粉档。在那里,你必可吃到这两道面食。有前者,通常会有后者。福建面是先以黑酱油等调味料炒香猪油渣和其他配料,最后加入油面快炒。广府鸳鸯则是先将河粉炒香,米粉烘脆,再淋入已煮好的滑蛋芡汁。一者黑色,一 者奶色;一者干,一者湿;一者福建式,一者广府式。相映成趣。

而且,一个“大炒”档厨师的功夫,可从这两道面食看出一二。这两道好,那么其他的炒粉,如福建炒伊面、焖伊面、卤 面等,应该也不错。

在马来西亚,堪称好吃的福建面,是用碳火来炒。碳香味混入浓郁黑酱味道,顿生自然原始。广府鸳鸯内则有河粉和米粉。流口的河粉,加上爽脆的米粉,口 感配合绝佳。这和一般常见只有河粉的滑蛋河有别。

福建面本身不 (太) 辣。我吃福建面时,却很喜欢加入参峇马来盏 (马来西亚独特的辣椒酱)。吃广府 鸳鸯时,则喜欢加入生的,微辣带酸的嫩青辣椒调味。

注:在槟城,福建面是指以上说的 虾面。在吉隆坡,福建面,又称大碌面,才是这种乌黑色的炒面。

In fact, the above two kinds of pasta enough to "work alone", why do I put them with a column? In Malaysia there is a cooked food stalls, called "fried", that is, fried powder file. Where you will eat these two pasta. There are those who usually have the latter. Fujian surface is the first to black soy sauce and other seasonings fried pork and other ingredients, and finally add the oil surface fried. Guangfu mandarin duck is the first rice flour fried, brittle brittle, and then pour into the cooked boiled egg custard juice. One black, one milk color; one dry, one wet; one Fujian type, one Guangfu style. Side by side.

Moreover, a "fried" file chef's effort, from the two pasta to see one or two. These two good, then the other fried powder, such as Fujian fried noodles, stewed Iraqi surface, noodles, etc., should also be good.

In Malaysia, called the delicious Fujian side, is to use carbon fire to speculation. The carbon scent mixed with the rich black sauce taste, Dunsheng natural primitive. There are river powder and rice flour in Guangfu mandarin duck. Flow of the river powder, coupled with crisp rice, with excellent taste. This is generally common only river powder bunny river is different.

Fujian surface itself is not (too) spicy. When I was eating the Fujian face, I liked to join the Bahamas (Malaysia's unique chili sauce). Eat Cantonese government mandarin duck, then like to add raw, slightly hot and sour taste of green pepper seasoning.

Note: In Penang, Fujian is the above said shrimp surface. In Kuala Lumpur, Fujian surface, also known as big flour, is this black and black fried noodles.

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