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Cat's Eye Fruit (Mata Kuching) Vs Longan (Dimocarpus longan).


mata kuching vs longan from chelswritesplantshere.wordpress.com

18 Aug 2015 · I'm pretty sure that most of us have tried or heard about the Mata Kucing before. For those  ...

mata kuching vs longan from www.mariafirdz.com

5 Aug 2014 · Aku panggil buah longan... Buah longan ni hampir sama dengan buah mata kucing... Tapi lepas  ...

Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the ...

9 Feb 2010 · Another of Borneo's unique tropical fruit, the Mata Kuching ( Cat's Eye Fruit) is a cousin of the Longan ...

18 Feb 2017 · Ni Buah Longan... Eh, bukan Buah Mata Kucing ke...? Haaa.... tu lah persoalannya tu.... Selama ni we  ...

20 Apr 2003 · Mata Kuching, Peeled They are often called longans here, which led me on a little internet hunt.

11 Nov 2009 · Mata kucing ada isi terlalu nipis dan biji saja yang besar tapi longan isi tebal biji kecil . Which one u ...

5 Jan 2010 · bukan longan ngan mata kucing tu lain ke?...mata kucing tu buah kampung..;)....nipis jer isik ...

20 Oct 2015 · Ada yang memanggilnya buah mata kucing. Ada juga memanggilnya longan. Namun, jangan keliru ...

1 ulasan:

MichaelTan berkata...

Friday 13thOctober2017
Cat's Eye Fruit (Mata Kuching) Vs Longan (Dimocarpus longan).

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