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Daun Selom:Salom:自信的叶子:ZìXìnDeYèzi(Zìxìn de yèzi)


Zìxìn de yèzi

Daun, 葉, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation.

selom, water dropwort, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation .

20 Sep 2009 · Daun Selom is a local herb found in wet areas through out Malaysia, India and South East Asia. It is used as vegetable salad for thousand of ...

26 Aug 2011 · Selom boleh dijumpai hampir seluruh kawasan Asia, dari India dan Pakistan hinggalah ke jepun dan Taiwan, dari China hinggalah ke ...

... Seri, Silom, Water Parsley, Shui Qin, Chinese Celery, Japanese Parsley . ... Secara tradisional, daun dan batang selom dihancurkan dan dipupuk pada ...

1 Apr 2017 · Daun selom juga dikenali sebagai Chinese celery di negara Barat kerana penggunaannya yang terkenal di kalangan orang Cina untuk ...

12 Feb 2016 · Chinese food offered more varieties where as Malay food had limited ... ladies fingers, and young leaf shoots (daun selom or pegaga).

24 May 2015 · Sekiranya anda penggemar ulam2an, daun selom atau nama botaninya ... Asia, terutamanya India, Pakistan, Jepun, Taiwan dan China.

26 May 2015 · Daun Selom [scientific name: oenanthe javanicus] (common name: Chinese celery) While all celery is good for the health, being rich in ...

"Daun Laksa", "Daun Kesum" or Laksa Leaves In English Vietnamese Coriander:Rau Răm.


Vietnamese coriander

Persicaria odorata, known as Vietnamese coriander, is an herb whose leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking. Other English names for this herb include Vietnamese mint, Vietnamese cilantro, Cambodian mint, hot mint, laksa leaf, and praew leaf. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Persicaria odorata
Higher classification: Knotweeds



laksa leaves in english from

About Laksa leaf Edit. ... Other English names for the herb include Vietnamese mint, Vietnamese cilantro, Cambodian mint and hot mint. The Vietnamese name is Rau răm. In Malaysia and Singapore it is called daun kesom or daun laksa.

laksa leaves in english from

Other English names for this herb include Vietnamese mint, Vietnamese cilantro, Cambodian mint, hot mint, laksa leaf, and praew leaf. Vietnamese coriander isn't related to the mints nor is it in the mint family Lamiaceae, but its general appearance and fragrance are reminiscent of them.

laksa leaves in english from

English, Smartweed, Laksa plant, Vietnamese mint ... coriander is known as laksa plant (also laksa herb or laksa leaves); in Singaporean Cantonese ...

At some places in Malaysia, daun kesum is refered to as "daun laksa" or laksa leaves. The English name for it is most probably Vietnamese mint but I am not ...

Laksa leaf, Pokok Daun Kesum, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation.

Known to have ability to reduce fertility. Propagation: Water loving plant. Easily roots with cut stem in water. Other Names: Laksa leaf (Singapore) ...

Persicaria odorata, the Vietnamese coriander, is an herb whose leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking. Other English names for the herb include ...

26 Jun 2011 · English: laksa leaves, Vietnamese coriander Bahasa melayu: daun kesom, daun laksa Tiếng Việt: rau răm Thai: pak pai (ผักไผ่) Laos ...

Common names, Vietnamese coriander , hot mint, daun laksa, daun kakok, daun kesum, laksa leaf. Botanical name , Polygonum odoratum. Rauram, Related ...

The Vietnamese name is rau răm, while in Malaysia and Singapore it is called daun kesom or daun laksa (laksa leaf). In Thailand, it is called phak phai ...