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肫definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes. Look it up ...

Standard and Poor (share index) abbr. for 標準普尔|标准普尔[Biāo zhǔn Pǔ ěr]. Show Strokes · 肫. zhūn. gizzard.

7 Jan 2015 · As an animal part, zhūn 肫 refers specifically to the gizzard of a fowl, though it can also have the ...

砂囊, shānáng, gizzard (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc). 胃, wèi, stomach · 肌胃, jīwèi, gizzard · 肫, zhūn, gizzard.

the gizzard of a fowl; honest, sincere ... 肫zhūn. 〈形〉. (1) 恳切,真挚[sincere]. 夫焉有所倚,肫肫其仁,渊渊其渊,浩浩其 ...

English words for the Chinese word 肫 ( Zhūn). Gizzard .... What is the Belarusian word for Gizzard? What is the ...

基本解释:. 肫 zhūn 禽类的胃(亦称“胗”): 鸡肫。 诚恳、真挚:肫肫。肫笃。 肫 chún 古代祭祀所用牲畜后体的一部分。

肫zhūn. 〈名〉. (1) 面颊[cheek]. 肫,面颊也。——《说文》. 肫,俗谓之两颧也。——朱骏声《 ... (2) 禽类的胃[gizzard]。如:鸡肫;鹅 ...

谆 zhūn. 谆 zhūn. 肫 zhūn. 肫 zhūn: gizzard. 鸭肫: duck's gizzard. 谆谆zhūnzhūn. 谆谆 zhūnzhūn: earnestly.

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