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表演者:张辉 | 视频来源:点石沙画 BiăoYănZhě:ZhāngHūi:|ShìPín:LáiYuán :DiǎnShíShāHuà Performer: Zhang Hui | Video Source: Point stone painting



 2016-09-15 众猫图书众筹众猫图书众筹

唯美沙画 情满中秋

表演者:张辉 | 视频来源:点石沙画

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Mid-Autumn Festival Sa painting works, Zhang Hui teacher "Love Mid-Autumn Festival"

Original 2016-09-15 all the cat books all the public cat books all raise


Since September 9, the public cat collection of "Mid-Autumn Festival works of Carnival", has received a lot of sand painters to submit the excellent works, today the Mid-Autumn Festival cat will receive all the works of painting dedicated to everyone, I wish you Mid-Autumn Festival Happy section, family fun!

Zhang Hui teacher works

Beautiful sand painting full of Mid-Autumn Festival

Performer: Zhang Hui | Video Source: Point stone painting




Source: video screenshots

Mid-Autumn Festival introduction

Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the evening, the autumn festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, August Festival, August will chase the moon festival, play month, worship month festival, daughter festival or reunion festival, is popular in many ethnic and Chinese culture circle The traditional cultural festivals of the country, when the lunar month in August 15; because of its just three autumn and a half, hence the name, but also some places will be set in August 16 Mid-Autumn Festival.

Mid-Autumn Festival began in the early Tang Dynasty, popular in the Song Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, has become the Spring Festival with one of China's major festivals. By the influence of Chinese culture, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival of some countries in East and Southeast Asia, especially the local Chinese and overseas Chinese. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has been listed as national statutory holidays. May 20, 2006, the State Council included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

Mid-Autumn Festival since ancient times will have to worship, full moon, worship the moon, eat moon cakes, tours osmanthus, drink osmanthus wine, and other customs, spread so far, prolonged. Mid-Autumn Festival to the moon on the round of the reunion, as the idea of ​​hometown, miss loved ones, pray for harvest, happiness, become rich and colorful, precious cultural heritage. Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, Ching Ming Festival and known as the four traditional Chinese festivals.



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1 comentario:

  1. Thursday 12thOctober2017
    表演者:张辉 |
    Performer: Zhang Hui | Video Source: Point stone painting


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