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Oct 23, 2003 - Collection of urine from a bedridden person is carried out by means of trays, urinebottles or ...
Angus Stevenson - 2010 - ‎Foreign Language Study
... bedmaker 7noun Brit. a person employed to clean and tidy students' rooms in a ... a receptacleused by a bedridden patient for urine and faeces. bedplate ... › bedpans
receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urineand faeces (11 of 37 words, pronunciation) ... a shallow vessel used by a bedridden person forurination or defecation (12 of 34 words, pronunciation).
urbanist noun someone who is expert in , or who studies, the urban way of life. .... for urine, especially one for use by an incontinent orbedridden person. › books
Angus Stevenson, ‎Maurice Waite - 2011 - ‎Reference
badawin 'dwellers in the desert', from badw 'desert'. bedpan > n. a receptacle used by abedridden patient for urine ... › health-guide
If the patient is not bedridden, this drainage bag can be worn on the leg, where it ... All equipment (catheter, lubricant, urine receptacle) should be ...
Afex® is the patented breakthrough for maleurinary incontinence management ... For overnight protection in lieu of using the receptacle and collection bag,  ...
CTI Reviews - 2016 - ‎Education
Bedpan: A bedpanisanobject used forthe toileting of a bedridden patientinahealth care facility, usually made of a metal, glass, or plasticreceptacle. A bed ... › wiki › Exter...
External urine collection devices are a type of medical product used, primarily by men, to manageurinary output ... › Vespasienne
3. a receptacle to receive the urine of a person withurinary incontinence or that of a bedridden person. [1225–75 ...
Taman Sri Sinar, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Reported by this phone
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