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[27/05 10:12 pm] MD83/84 AYPC: Forwarded as received...

TERKINI: JLow is spending hundreds of millions (money stolen from 1MDB) hiring professional cybertroopers from various countries including US and Russia to create chaos through misinformation and to create disunity and animosity between the various PH parties. All these are done subtly where even PH supporters unknowingly help their cause by spreading these misinformation.

JLow knows that if PH continues to govern, he will go to jail for a long time and these money that he stole from 1MDB will back to Malaysian rakyat. So, spend these hundreds of millions now to cause the collapse of the PH government and he won’t go to jail and he gets to keep the billions that he stole.

Beware, these are professionals!! Don’t let them destroy the voice of the majority of Malaysians who have spoken loud and clear in GE14.

Please let every Malaysian be aware of this.
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 7:48 am] MD83/84 CHK: πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
I said to the Buddha: "Let all my friends stay happy and healthy...!"
Buddha said: "Only four days...!"
I said, "OK. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter."
Buddha said: "Only three days."
I said, "OK. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow."
The Buddha said: "No, only two days!"
I said, "OK. Daytime, Dark days."
The Buddha said: "No, just one day...!"
I said, "OK...!"
The Buddha suddenly asked, "What day?"
I said, " *Everyday*, I live with all my friends."
The Buddha smiled... and said: “All your friends will be healthy and happy everyday! Those who received this message, please forward to friends and wish your friends are happy and healthy...!”
πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ *"HAPPY WESAK"*
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 8:20 am] MD83/84 TSK Materials: Happy Vesak day for all from Hunan Xiangtan.
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 9:41 am] MD83/84 KTH: What is Xiangtan in Chinese?
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 10:28 am] MD83/84 TKK: 湖南善堂?
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 10:47 am] MD83/84 TSK Materials: 湘潭,ζ―›δΈ»εΈ­ζ•…δΉ‘。
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 12:07 pm] LamCS: Wishing all my classmates and friends a Happy and Blessed Wesak Day.
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 7:50 pm] MD83/84 CHK:
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890[29/05 10:27 pm] Michael Tan: aBlogAt@22.19pmGMTTuesday29thMay2018

Happy Wesak Day!

Najib’s-Missing Chocolates.



Najib’s lawyers told to lodge report over missing chocolates

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Comments • 166

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LOL chocolates! nothing else to sue now suing the policeman for stealing chocolates this is hilarious!
4 days ago54
HazLinD M_Ajun
Aduuh maak datok, amek chocolate tak sebesar duit 1MDB yang hilang kan. Aneh tapi nyata.
4 days ago35
Shane Kelly
Najib has a lot more to worry about than missing chocolates.
4 days ago40
Muhammad Zulkifly
brape harga sekotak cokolat tu
4 days ago20
Zulfadli Zainal
4 days ago4
shaiful mss
4 days ago6
H.E. Y
1 day ago
veyron victor
1 day ago