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Morse Codes.


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Morse code
Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment.Wikipedia

M O R S E C O D E. Next is the exact conventional timing for this phrase, with = representing "signal on", and . representing "signal off", each ...
The translator can translate to and from Morse code and can play the sound of the Morse code to you which you can also download. You can use it to send ...
9 Oct 2008 · hile you might not find any particular use for Morse code in your daily life, learning Morse is a fun and engaging hobby you can share with ...
1 Feb 2016 · ... via (long) wires. The transmitting operator used a morse key (switch) to turn the electric current on and off in the rithm of the morse codes.

... Русский: выучить азбуку Морзе, Deutsch: Den Morsecode lernen, Français: apprendre le morse, Bahasa Indonesia: Mempelajari Kode Morse, ...

6 May 2011 · Der Morsecode ist also kein Binärcode sondern ein Ternärcode, da das Pausenzeichen mit zum Alphabet zu rechnen ist. Insgesamt sollen ...

4 Apr 2009 · ... into enlish characters, it will be: M O R S E C O D E. Example is the word Morse Code and the Morse code is "-- --- .-.

Morse Code Conversion Tool - Morse code is a method for transmitting telegraphic information, using standardized sequences of short and long elements to ...

by S Sato · 1993 · Cited by 4 · Related articles
Fibonacci Sequence and its Generalizations Hidden in Algorithms for Generating Morse Codes. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Shuichi Sato. Shuichi Sato.

Worttrennung: Mor·se·co·de, Plural: Mor ·se·co·des. Aussprache: IPA: [ ˈmɔʁzəkoːt]: Hörbeispiele: —. Bedeutungen: [1] Zeichensystem zur ...
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