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There Is No Cure For Deranged, Depressed People.


21 Feb 2014 · In an era of tight budgets, supporters of depression research argue that more funding is needed to ...

1 Jul 2011 · Severe mental illness alone is not generally enough to cause violent behavior. ... were on their medications and mentally healthy people, ...

You might as well ask why we don't have a cure for pain. We do have ... We do have a variety of treatments that can be held ful for a lot of depressed people .

tags: bipolar, depression, elizabeth- wurtzel, mental-illness, prozac-nation · 1588 likes · Like ... There are interests found in uninteresting people ...

14 Aug 2014 · There will never be a cure for depression. There I ... Especially when that person is no longer with us.

19 Oct 2010 · Is Psychosis Curable? ... I ask that question because there is no way to guarantee what will happen ...

14 Aug 2008 · In the anatomy of the sleep process there are stages most people talk about in terms of ...

John Elliotson · 1839 · Clinical medicine
There can be no doubt, I think, that one predisposing cause to insanity, is a ... In many people who are deranged through the feelings, (which is the case with ...

21 Oct 2014 · What if there's just way too much for us to handle in ... Any person, man, woman, or child, who is not depressed by ... How deranged is that?

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Home > Examination and Diagnosis > Internal Medicine > Stop Coughing With Chinese Remedies > Herbal Remedies for Chronic Coughs - Phlegm-dampness Type
Herbal Remedies for Chronic Coughs - Phlegm-dampness Type
TCM types of chronic cough: Phlegm-dampness | Phlegm-heat | Liver-fire | Yin deficiency

This is chronic coughing with copious mucus that is white and thick in nature. Other symptoms include a stuffy feeling in the chest or gastric region, poor appetite, fatigue, and sometimes loose bowels. The tongue coating is white and greasy; the pulse is hesitant androlling.
The remedy should invigorate the spleen, dry dampness, resolve phlegm and arrest coughing.
Sample prescription: Modified Citrus & Pinellia Decoction
This is a classic formula for eliminating excessive phlegm and dampness, in which the pinellia tuber and poria work together to dry dampness and resolve phlegm; tangerine peel and liquorice root harmonize thespleen and promote its functioning. Additional herbs are necessary when particular symptoms are serious. For example:DriedTangerinePeel:PinelliaTuber:CynanchumRhizome
Dried tangerine peel
Pinellia tuber
cynanchum rhizome
If individuals cough up profuse mucus and have stomach discomfort, the ability to eliminate the pathogens should further be enhanced with herbs like:
cang zhuatractylodes rhizomeRhizoma Atractylodis
hou pomagnolia barkCortex Magnoliae Officinalis
ku xing renbitter apricot kernelSemen Armeniacae Amarum
yi yi rencoix seedSemen coicis

TCM Herb For Sticky Phlegm.


Unlike qi, phlegm is always viewed by Chinese physicians as substantive and ... by the body's activities acting upon qi, and is a sticky substance that shares ...

swollen body, sticky coat: phlegm; swollen body, sticky coat without root and ... Use "drain Dampness" herbs ... traditional Chinese medicine · stagnation ...

14 Jun 2014 · Q I am a woman in my late 40s and I have sticky phlegm which ... Wind can be dispelled from the body by taking herbs such as ...

This is chronic coughing with copious mucus that is white and thick in nature. Other symptoms include a stuffy feeling  ...

This is chronic coughing with yellow sticky mucus, a strong smell or is blood stained; other symptoms include a coarse ...

For example, a cough due to heat produces sticky phlegm that is difficult to ... cooling, moistening herbs and acupuncture points that clear heat from the lungs.

Phlegm is what most of us don't want. Heavy and sticky, we're usually embarrassed so, what to do?

5 Apr 2012 · When it comes to Chinese herbs for excessive phlegm, Bai ... It can be clear, thick, or hard in texture.

Cough with thick yellow or green phlegm, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and possible fullness of the chest due to  ...

20 Feb 2013 · Today we have acupuncture, herbal and even tuina (therapeutic ... Pre-existing mucus in your system is a major factor in ...