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Clickable smartphone link code:

«%»#16thJune2017 #Friday
Clickable smartphone link code:
The following link can be used to make a clickable phone link. You can copy the code below and paste it into your webpage, then edit with your phone number. This code may not work on all phones but does work for iPhone, Droid / Android and Blackberry.
<a href="tel:1-847-555-5555">1-847-555-5555</a>
Phone number links can be used with the dashes, as shown above, or without them as well as in the following example:
<a href="tel:18475555555">1-847-555-5555</a>
It's also possible to use any text for the link name as long as the phone number link is setup with the "tel:18475555555" as in this example:
<a href="tel:18475555555">Click Here To Call Support 1-847-555-5555</a>
Below is a clickable telephone hyperlink you can test. In non-phone browsers (PC and Mac desktop and laptop computers), this link may open Skype, ask you for the application to use, may give the user an error, or nothing will happen.
Click Here to Call on a Smartphone》
Note: iPhone and iPad browsers will automatically detect a phone number on a page and will convert the text into a call link without using any of the code on this page.

Wtai smartphone link code:
The wtai or "Wireless Telephony Application Interface" link code is shown below. This code is considered to be the correct mobile phone protocol and will work on smartphones like Droid, however, it may not work for Apple Safari on iPhone and the above code is recommended.
<a href="wtai://wp/mc;18475555555">Click Here To Call Support 1-847-555-5555</a>