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陳 國 昇(Chén Guó Shēng) 陈国昇(Chén Guó Shēng)

陳 國 昇(Chén Guó Shēng)  陈国昇(Chén Guó Shēng) 

#陳 #國 #

陈国升_姓名测 › Page
陈国升_姓名测试打分. ... 简体, 繁体, 拼音, 康熙笔画, 五行. 陈, 陳, chén, 16, 火. 国, 國, guó, 11, 木. 升, 升,shēng, 4, 金 ...
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Mobile-friendly - Chén Guó Shēng - 陈 国 昇 (国 Country昇 Rise) .... 18 1 · Mandarin Chinese Countries and Cities Picture Flashcards ...
Mobile-friendly - Chén Guó Shēng - 陈 国 昇 (国 Country昇 Rise). Kok Seng Tan. Chén Guó Shēng -陈 国 昇 (国 Country昇 Rise) ...
Dec 5, 2009 - 16, (F國), [guó] (=国家guójiā)country, state, nation, <family name>; ...... 548, ( F陳), [chén] display, explain, stale, (dynasty 557-589) ...... 994, 升, [shēng] liter, rise, ascend. › chinese-englis...
Mobile-friendly - fù. to go to visit (e.g. anothercountry) to attend (a banquet etc) ..... to float up torise to the surface fig. to rise in the world ...... 富國. fù guó. rich country make the country wealthy (political slogan) ..... fú wù shēng ..... pò fǔ chénzhōu ..... 腐 Trad. › chinese-englis...
Mobile-friendly - 升. shēng. to ascend to rise to the rank of to promote to hoist liter measure for ......shēng chén ..... 内生产总值 Trad. ...... pǔ tōng gāo děng xué xiào zhāo shēng quán guó tǒng yī kǎo shì .... 木胜 Trad. › chinese-englis...
The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). ..... 家兴亡,匹夫有责 Trad. 國家興亡,匹夫有責. guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé ... 一人得道,鸡犬升天 Trad. ... yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēngtiān ... míng xiū zhàn dào , àn dù Chén cāng . › chinese-dictionary
升值, shēng zhí, to rise in value / to appreciate ...... 争臣, zhēng chén, minister not afraid to give forthright criticism ..... 生产shēng chǎn guó, producing country ...... 方安生, Chén Fāng An1shēng, Anson Chan (1940-), chief secretary for ... › chinese-dictionary
Mobile-friendly - , zhí chén, to say straight out / to point out bluntly / to give a straightforward account / to disclose. 直掇, zhí duō ...
事实上,《离骚》,屈原的代表作就是当时楚方言中的一个词。 .... 哀民生之多艰。 āi mīn shēng zhī dūo jiān. .... 跪敷衽以辞兮,(115) Gùi fū rèn yǐchén cī xī, ...... The King and his ministers fled in panic, and Chu was never able to rise again.
Geni › surnames › chin
Mobile-friendly - Occasionally people from TaishanCounty in Guangdong Province would ... Mangong was the progentior of the Chén family (陳). ... The Early History of Chén (陳) and Chén State (陳國) ... In 480 BC Yuè Guó 越國 destroyed Wú Guó 吳國.



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Duration: 7:58
Posted: Feb 1, 2015